quinta-feira, 1 de janeiro de 2015

ARTIGO PUBLICADO: The Four Aristotelian Discourses in Medicine: Educational Tools for Physicians

The Four Aristotelian Discourses in Medicine: Educational Tools for Physicians
Os Quatro Discursos Aristotélicos na Medicina: Ferramentas Educacionais para Médicos
Hélio Angotti-Neto, Andreia Bosi, Angela Regina Binda da Silva de Jesus
Centro Universitário do Espírito Santo – UNESC, Brasil

The four Aristotelian discourses (Poetic, Rhetoric, Dialectic and Logic) encompass all human verbal communication, and their study in Medical Humanities is an important instrument for medical practice and education. The discourses differ according to their intention, form, credibility and precision, and they can be studied to develop several aspects, such as understanding the patient, empathy, personal development and communication skills. Their study can also stimulate clinical and philosophical thought in general. The study of Poetic includes Narrative Medicine, literature, cultural studies, case reports and arts. Rhetoric includes verbal and non-verbal communication for the purposes of convincing and instructing other people. Dialectic includes clinical investigation thought and research. Logic includes scientific discourse, discursive analysis and education. Aristotelian works remain valuable instruments to develop a complete physician.

Keywords: Medical Philosophy, Medical Education, Narrative Medicine, Logic, Clinical Reasoning.

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